How cute is she? This is Maggie - a sweet little Australian Shepherd puppy who visited in early November. This has to be one of the cutest doggies - ever! She is so sweet and her session was so much fun. Thanks for bringing her Sarah!
We spent a family day out at The Denver Aquarium. Sam LOVED all the fish and eating lunch with the sharks swimming by. It was a nice break from the busy holiday season, and I enjoyed getting back to photography outside of portraiture. My favorite image is the silhouette of Stu and Sam. What a fun place!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Monty's Mom was the high bidder at the Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Rescue auction in August, and won a portrait session and 11x14 framed art image of Monty. A true Scottie gentleman, Monty remained reserved during his session until the salmon came out! Look at that eager boy! Monty is such a sweetheart and it was so much fun capturing his images. Thanks for bringing him Karen - you have a wonderful boy!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Alisa and William came for his 3 month session - I cannot believe how BIG he is, and how much he has changed. SO much personality and LOVE those teeth. Sunny came along as well (big canine brother) who was beautiful. You are adorable William!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Emily and Mike brought adorable Dawson for his newborn shoot. I LOVE that hair! What a sweet baby boy. Thank you for bringing him - he is PERFECT!
October 3 was the Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club picnic. We always love going to this. Some of the costumes are so creative! Our three Scotties stayed home this year, as we were photographing. What a great group of doggies! We are happy to donate 100% of the profits from this picnic to Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club Rescue - a cause dear to us. Thank you to all who let me photograph your Scottie and for your orders!
These are just a few of the Holiday Card selections for 2009. Customized with any image from your session, cards can say whatever you would like. Order by October 15 to get 20% off!
Emily and Mike came for their maternity session and we got some great images - they are so easy to work with! We now know it was little Dawson in there all along. I can't wait to meet him next week! Congratulations Emily and Mike!
One thing I love about pet photography are all the different breeds I get to meet. I had never heard of a Leonberger until Marsha brought Skimmer and Ripple for their session. What amazing dogs! Skimmer is just a few months old and look at the size of those PAWS! Such beautiful dogs and so sweet. Their session was so much fun. Thanks or coming Marsha.
My poor little Scotties. Here they are in their twilight years, trying to take it easy, and their Mom tries to make them into super models... I have been working on images for a calendar that features fine art portraiture of Scotties for our rescue auction this weekend. Here are some of our favorites. I was trying to decide how I could recruit models. Then I realized, I have three, one of each color! Perfect! The sessions were fun and, more importantly, I am so grateful to have these images of my senior Scotties. We love you Angus (the "boxer"), Ivy (in pearls) and Hamish (in the bubble bath).
How beautiful is this boy??? PJ's session was so much fun - I knew it would be good when he started it off barking at the lights each time they fired. Too funny. We got so many great images - he was so well-behaved. We almost had Andrea talked into letting us keep him - in exchange for a couple of Scotties and a three year old :) PJ is our favorite Springer - thank you for bringing him Andrea - it was great to meet you both!
A beautiful afternoon in early July with storm clouds moving in. Sweet little Beau and Isabella picking wildflowers - what could be sweeter. We had fun capturing these images - and beating the rain that was moving in on a July afternoon. Sessions like these remind me how important it is to capture the moment. Beau and Isabella will never be this young again, but this moment is now preserved forever...
We took some family time and headed down to Durango to ride the steam train. What an amazing ride - so beautiful, you cannot truly capture it. Sam, being our little train buff, thoroughly enjoyed the 8 hour day, and was ready to get right back on. He was not as excited to have to "dress up" while Mommy captured some priceless images. Great memories of a wonderful trip!